Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften
Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Seminardetails

aktuelles Semester: WS24/25
Benutzername: Passwort:

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Die Seminaranmeldung erfolgt in beiden Bachelor Studiengängen in zwei Phasen unter "Prüfungsverwaltung" im
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Erste Online-Seminaranmeldung bis 29.07.2024, 14:00 Uhr
Zweite Online-Seminaranmeldung bis 30.09.2024, 14:00 Uhr

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MES 3.1 Empowerment I

Lehrgebiet/Studienbereich:Studienschwerpunkt Entwicklungspolitik 
Scheine / Modul:Master ES Prüfung MES 3: Individuum und Gesellschaft: Personales Empowerment (Prüfungsordnung 2011/2015)
Master ES Testat MES 3.1: Empowerment (Prüfungsordnung 2016, EP) 4 SWS
DozentIn:Vela-Eiden, Talia, Dr.
19./20.10., 16./17.11., 11./12.01., jeweils 10.00-17.00 Uhr
Seminarumfang:4 SWS
Seminarbeginn:Siehe Zeitangabe
Sprache (Language):This class is held in english!
This seminar focuses on the international debate about the concept of development and its relation to power, empowerment and social movements, the same which takes place in the fields of development studies, sociology, economics, and political science.
This is a post-grade course focused on introducing first semester students of the Master Degree in Empowerment Studies to the main concepts and debates related to development, power and empowerment, individual and collective power, and social movements and power.
The overall aim is that students acquire knowledge and develop a critical understanding of the theories and discussions surrounding these topics and that on such a basis they can put them into practice in their future work.
Key questions for the course is how the concept of power should be taken into account in development research and practice and which concept of power should be taken into account by those in a situation of disempowerment.
At the end of the seminar, students should:
- have a deeper knowledge of the main concepts presented, especially of theories of power and empowerment and of the interface between individual and collective power, taking into account the challenges.
- identify the conditions for empowerment at the individual and collective levels.
- be able to undertake power analysis on case studies.


First Part: History and Theories of Development
Second Part: Power and Empowerment
Third Part: Social Movements and Power


This is a lecture and discussion class with group work, meeting 4 hours per unit with a total of 10/11 lectures and 1/2 examination sessions.
In addition, participants are expected to engage in the discussions related to the themes presented and to current international and national development issues.

Prüfungsleistungen bzw. Testat:

An individual or a group presentation in English backed up with a handout (power point or PDF) on a case study. The content of the presentation is a power analysis of a case chosen and discussed by the student or group of students.


Colin Leys (1996), The Rise & Fall of Development Theory. James Currey, Indiana University Press and East African Educational Publishers.
Karin Fischer, Gerald Hödl, Wiebke Sievers (Editors) (2010), Klassiker der Entwicklungstheorie, Von Modernisierung bis Post-Development. Mandelbaum Verlag Wien.
Mark Haugaard (Editor) (2012), Power, A Reader. Manchester University Press.
Steven Lukes (2005), Power A Radical View, Second Edition. Palgrave Macmillan.
Jeff Godwin and James M. Jasper (Editors) (2015), The Social Movements Reader, Cases and Concepts, Third Edition. Willey Blackwell.
Sidney G. Tarrow (2011), Power in Movement Social Movements and Contentious Politics Revised and Updated Third Edition. Cambridge University Press.

Seminaranmeldung:Die Online-Seminaranmeldung in den Bachelor-Studiengängen, im Master Empowerment Studies und im Master Soziale Arbeit und Pädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Psychosoziale Beratung war nur bis zum 30.09.2024, 14:00 Uhr möglich.

Informationen zur Vergabe von freien Plätzen.

Prüfungsanmeldung und Testatanmeldung:Frist zur Prüfungs- und Testatanmeldung für dieses Seminar:
20.09.2019 bis 18.11.2019

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