Hochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences


Fachbereich Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften
Faculty of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies

Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Seminardetails

aktuelles Semester: WS24/25
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Die Seminaranmeldung erfolgt in beiden Bachelor Studiengängen in zwei Phasen unter "Prüfungsverwaltung" im
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Erste Online-Seminaranmeldung bis 29.07.2024, 14:00 Uhr
Zweite Online-Seminaranmeldung bis 30.09.2024, 14:00 Uhr

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MES 3 Empowerment

Lehrgebiet/Studienbereich:Studienschwerpunkt Entwicklungspolitik 
Scheine / Modul:Master ES Prüfung MES 3: Individuum und Gesellschaft: Personales Empowerment (Prüfungsordnung 2011/2015)
Master ES Testat MES 3.1: Empowerment (Prüfungsordnung 2016, EP) 4 SWS
DozentIn:Vela-Eiden, Talia, Dr.
Zeit:MES EP Block 21. Sept. 2016 (14:00-17:30 Uhr, Raum 03.1.041) + zwei Wochenendseminare: Fr 14.10, 18.00 Uhr und Sa/So 15./16.10., ganztags (Raum 03.1.043) Fr. 25.11, 14.00 Uhr und Sa/So, 26./27.11., ganztags (Raum 03.1.043)
Seminarumfang:4 SWS
Seminarbeginn:Siehe Zeitangabe
Raum:s. Zeitangaben
Scheine für das BA-Wahlmodul werden nicht ausgestellt.


This seminar focuses on the international debate on power and empowerment which takes place in various fields such as sociology, economics, political science, development studies, and social work, among others.
This is a post-grade course focused on introducing first semester students of the master program to the main concepts and discussions related to power, empowerment, building-up of individual and collective power and the interlinkages of these concepts with social movements.
The overall aim is that students acquire knowledge and develop a critical understanding of the theories and discussions surrounding those topics and that on such a basis they can put them into practice in their future work.
Concepts such as power, lack of power, empowerment, collective action, among others, will be presented and debated. The gender perspective of those will be discussed as well as the interface between individual and collective power.
A key question for the course is how individuals get interested on, are mobilized for, or are empowered to take part in collective processes.

Empfehlungen zu speziellen Kenntnissen und Bereitschaften:

Students are expected to participate actively in the discussions related to the course and current international and national development topics.


This is a lecture and discussion class with group work.

Prüfungsleistungen bzw. Testat:

A ten- to twenty-page essay in English or German (excluding cover page, index, literature and references) shall be presented by the students of the course. The deadline will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Sonstige Informationen:


Talia Vela-Eiden (Abogado, MA, Dr.phil.) is a social development specialist with extensive experience in environmental conflicts and participatory processes for development. She has been working in the development field since 1991. Her current work focuses on academic teaching and non-profit organizations training, capacity-building, and knowledge management. In addition, she also researches on communities affected by the consequences of mining activities in Peru. Prior to this, she worked in development and conflict resolution programs in the Horn of Africa. Previously, she was a researcher and adviser in environmental law and policy, especially in the Andean countries, where she worked closely with communities, policy and decision makers at the local and national levels. She has written on the subjects related to her work experience.


Steven Lukes (2005), Power A Radical View, Second Edition. Palgrave Macmillan.

John Friedmann (1992), The Politics of Alternative Development. Blackwell Publishers Limited.

Sidney G. Tarrow (2011), Power in Movement Social Movements and Contentious Politics Revised and Updated Third Edition. Cambridge University Press

There will be no control of the readings, but it is assumed that the recommended readings will considerably help the understanding of the subjects and, thus, in the elaboration of the essay and the participation in class discussions.

Seminaranmeldung:Die Online-Seminaranmeldung in den Bachelor-Studiengängen, im Master Empowerment Studies und im Master Soziale Arbeit und Pädagogik mit Schwerpunkt Psychosoziale Beratung war nur bis zum 30.09.2024, 14:00 Uhr möglich.

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